In accordance with AIM Rule 26, as stipulated by the London Stock Exchange, all AIM quoted companies are required to disclose certain information on their corporate website.
Helius Energy Ltd (incorporated in England and Wales registered number 5745512) has provided the following information in compliance with this rule.
The Helius Group was established to install and operate biomass fired renewable electricity generation plants designed to meet the growing need for reliable power and support the essential move away from fossil fuels both for economic and environmental reasons, whilst taking advantage of renewable energy legislation.
Helius Energy Ltd was incorporated in the UK and its main country of operation is the UK.
Helius Energy Ltd trades on AIM. The company has not applied to or agreed to have any of its securities (including AIM securities) admitted or traded on any other exchange or trading platform.
Helius Energy Ltd is subject to the UK’s City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
The Board seeks to comply with a number of the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code) in so far as it considers them to be appropriate to a company of the size and nature of Helius Energy Ltd. The directors make no statement of compliance with the Code overall and do not ‘explain’ in detail any aspect of the Code with which they do not comply. Helius Energy Ltd continues to keep its overall system of internal control under review.
Helius Energy Ltd has a Remuneration Committee and an Audit Committee which are both chaired by the company’s senior independent non-Executive director, William Rickett.
Each of those committees is regulated by terms of reference which are kept under review and which reflect good corporate governance practice.
At 4th March 2015 the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue was 195,300,468.
At 4th March 2015 the percentage of AIM securities which are in issue that are not in public hands as defined in the AIM rules was in aggregate 91,263,435 representing 49.92% of the issued share capital.
At 4th March 2015 the identity and percentage holdings of significant shareholders was:
- Alastair Salvesen – 51,654,045 (26.45%)
- Angus MacDonald – 35,214,917 (18.03%)
- Ann Gloag – 17,870,833 (9.15%)
- Henderson Volantis Capital – 12,541,463 (6.42%)
- Peter Little – 9,589,890 (4.91%)
- Fidelity Worldwide Investment – 8,158,464 (4.18%)
- Mr & Mrs Christopher Corner – 5,915,385 (3.03%)
- TD Waterhouse, stockbrokers (EO) – 5,047,837 (2.58%)
- John Seed – 3,634,616 (1.86%)
- Peter Wilson-Smith – 3,011,182 (1.54%)
- Edward Greenhalgh – 2,812,500 (1.44%)
- Adrian Bowles – 2,134,616 (1.09%)
- William Ingram Hill – 1,027,857 (0.53%)
- Alan Lyons – 103,000 (0.05%)
There are no restrictions on the transfer of Helius Energy Ltd shares.
Directors, secretary and advisers
John Michael Seed, Non-executive Chairman
Alan Lyons, ACMA, Chief Financial Officer
William J. Ingram Hill, Chief Operating Officer & Company Secretary
William Rickett, Senior Non-executive Director
Angus Francis MacDonald OBE, Non-executive Director
Alastair Salvesen, Non-executive Director
Nominated advisors and key advisors;
Company secretary and registered officeWilliam J. Ingram Hill Europarc Innovation Centre Innovation way Grimsby DN37 9TT | Nominated adviser and brokerNumis Securities Limited 10 Paternoster Square London EC4M 7LT |
Solicitors to the CompanyBurges Salmon LLP One Glass Wharf Bristol BS2 0ZX | BankersBarclays Bank plc 71 Grey Street Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE99 1JP |
Reporting accountants/auditorsBDO Stoy Hayward LLP 1 Bridgewater Place Water Lane Leeds LS11 5RU | RegistrarsCapita Registrars The Registry 34 Beckenham Road Kent BR3 4TU |
Financial public relationsCitigate Dewe Rogerson 3 London Wall Buildings London Wall London EC2M 5SY |
This website was last updated on 15 June 2015