Helius was established to identify, develop, own and operate biomass fired renewable electricity generation plants. These will help meet the UK’s growing need for reliable energy from renewable sources.
Helius possesses significant knowledge of renewable energy markets, biomass energy technologies, biomass fuel sources, project development, implementation and operation of power generation plants.
In Members Voluntary Liquidation

Helius Energy is a responsible and ethical company and is totally committed to being a sustainable business. The company’s sustainability strategy is designed to ensure ecological, social and climate change impacts are minimised, particularly in its feedstock procurement, to ensure the business exceeds UK and EU targets associated with these areas.
In September 2008 Helius Energy sold rights to its first 65MWe biomass project at Stallingborough, North East Lincolnshire, to RWE Innogy UK, a wholly owned subsidiary of RWE AG.
Helius Corde Limited
Helius CoRDe Limited (“CoRDe”) is an operational biomass energy plant in Rothes, Speyside, Scotland, which uses by-products from nearby malt whisky distilleries to produce renewable energy and liquid animal feed product (Pot Ale Syrup). The plant comprises a 7.2MWe Net Capacity power plant and a 66.5t/h pot ale evaporator plant. The plant is accredited as a combined heat and power plant (CHP) under Renewables Obligation legislation.
In July 2013 the CoRDe plant was taken over by its owner, the CoRDe joint venture between Helius Energy Ltd, Rabo Project Equity BV and the Combination of Rothes Distillers Limited (“CoRD”), for commercial operation.
Avonmouth is a fully planning consented 100MWe capacity biomass energy project located within the Port of Bristol. The project is at an advanced stage and is moving towards financial close.
In October 2013, Avonmouth was named by HM Treasury as ‘prequalified’ and eligible for support under the UK Guarantees Scheme. The scheme provides a government-backed loan guarantee for a significant portion of the project’s debt.
Once operational the project will provide renewable, low carbon electricity as part of the UK’s aim to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. The project will create approximately 450 full time jobs during the construction phase and 40 new full-time, long-term jobs once in operation.